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Secure Model of the edeXa Universe

edeXa Universe is the advanced, next-generation network for business blockchains. We enable innovative companies to use blockchain technology simply.

Secure Model of the edeXa Universe

As our edeXa Universe will grow with more channels and organizations there is a need for having protocols in place which will make our universe secure and resistant to cyber-attacks or internal malfunctioning. The following topic provides an overview of the HLF core concepts, Which helps in creating a secure framework. The source of this content is from Hyperledger Fabric itself.


The different actors in the HLF blockchain network include peers, orderers, client applications, administrators and more. Each of these actors - active elements inside or outside a network able to consume services - has a digital identity encapsulated in an X.509 digital certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). These identities matter because they determine the exact permissions over resources and access to information that actors have in a blockchain network.

Membership Service Providers

For an identity to be verifiable, it must come from a trusted authority. A membership service provider (MSP) is that trusted authority in Fabric. More specifically, an MSP is a component that defines the rules that govern the valid identities for an organization. A Hyperledger Fabric channel defines a set of organization MSPs as members. The default MSP implementation in Fabric uses X.509 certificates issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) as identities, adopting a traditional Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) hierarchical model. Identities can be associated with roles within a MSP such as ‘client’ and ‘admin’ by utilizing Node OU roles. Node OU roles can be used in policy definitions in order to restrict access to Fabric resources to certain MSPs and roles.